We're basically the heads of the site; come to us for name changes, password changes, anything important like that.
1. Luna
2. Tora
3. Applications currently not open.
Basically the aids of the admins. Their job is to monitor posts and topics; they can delete posts and topics, close topics, warn members, ban members, etc.
1. Reserved.
2. Reserved.
3. Applications currently not open.
Editors are basically the people who fix spelling and grammar errors in stories and such; they have the ability to edit posts, etc.
1. Ghost
2. Applications are OPEN.
3. Applications are OPEN.
Applying for a Position
If an editor, moderator or administrator position is accepting applications, you can feel free to apply for it. Simply fill out the following form and send it in a PM to Luna.
Position you're applying for:
How dedicated will you be to your job?:
Why do you want this position?:
Why do you think you should get this position?:
Anything else: